
How to Study in Canada at Low Cost – 100% Working Tips

Even as one of the world’s best locations to study, it can be expensive studying in Canada, especially if you’re a self-funded student.

Good news is, you can find out how to study in Canada at low costs as you’ll need as much financial aid as you can get.


Canada is fast becoming the best location for studying abroad as it is more affordable than some English-speaking countries. It offers amazing part-time work opportunities to students and even better job openings for graduates.

The higher institutions in Canada rank high amongst other universities worldwide. What’s more, the country offers a good quality of life.


Here’s a little list of things to do to study in Canada at low costs;

Spend less and earn more

Top on the list of what you must do to lessen the cost of studying in Canada for yourself is to reduce your spending and step up your income. If you don’t really need something, then do not pay for it!

Take a part-time job

In order to earn more, you must have a source of income and for that to happen, your best bet is a part-time job.

You should learn to manage your academic and other activities in such a way that you’ll have enough time to get a job. This will help you earn some money that’ll help with your schooling and also gain some work experience that will definitely come in handy when you graduate.

Enroll in a less expensive university

This is one of the surest ways to study in Canada at low costs. When deciding on which university to enroll in, go for the one with less tuition. Take the time to go through information on each of the Canadian universities and take your pick from there.

Make your own meals

Eating out everyday will drain your pockets in no time. What you should do instead, is cook your own meals at home in order to be able to save some money. Remember the goal is to study at low costs?

Go for less expensive clothings

My thought is, you’re not from a very wealthy home if you’re looking for low budget ways to study in Canada, so please… go for things that are friendly to your purse.

Do not be pressured into wanting to get designer wears, it’ll likely end in tears.

Student discounts to the rescue

Be sure to use your students discounts any and everywhere you can. Apply for it and make sure to ask anywhere you are and need to make a purchase if there are any provisions for student discount.

Apply for university scholarships

Another way to study in Canada at low costs is by getting a scholarship! There are a number of organizations and institutes that offer different kinds of scholarships to foreign students.

It would be in your best interest to find one to carefully apply for and get into in order to aid your academic pursuits.